The one who clicks here
shall see much time pass before
        he is forgiven.
An Tir Chirurgeons' Guild

Knowne World Chirurgeon's Symposium Class Schedule

14th Century Classroom There were over fourteen hours of classes scheduled for the Knowne Worlde Chirurgeon's Symposium, presented by eight different instructors from five different kingdoms.

The following is a listing of the classes which were schedule for Saturday May 6th, and Sunday May 7th of A.S. XL.

Classes were free of charge except where indicated.

A brief biography of the instructors is available for those who provided their information by clicking on their name.

Ithra BadgeClasses displaying the Ithra Symbol were approved by the University of Ithra. Students registered with the College received credit for attending these courses.

Saturday, May 6th, A.S. XL
Time Course Instructor Cost Description
10:00 A Class for new Chirurgeons HL Tvorimir Danilov None An Introduction to chirurgy for the new chirurgeon. A round table discussion for questions and stories will follow the class.
11:00 What a chirurgeon should know about armor Barünin Katrei Grünenberg, OL None A discussion about armour from the standpoint of the chirurgeon. A round table discussion for questions and stories will follow the class.
12:00 Comparative SCA Anthropology 101 Baroness TSivia bas Tamara v'Amberview None This class was well received both at Pennsic and Estrella about two or three years ago. It discusses some of the "Customs of the Manor" which differ from Kingdom to Kingdom, and how one can usually trace the Kingdom your Kingdom is descended from by some of these practices. (These are most often the practices NOT written down, like whether or not a squire in your kingdom would wear silver spurs and a silver chain....)
1:00 Battlefield organization / How to properly treat during battles Barünin Katrei Grünenberg, OL None A discussion on Organizing the Battle field for the Chirurgeon, and the proper treatment of battlefield injuries.
2:00 Delayed emergency care John de Canon $3.00 A discussion of techniques for emergency care if EMS is longer than 20 minutes. A round table discussion: "Sick, Not Sick" on rapid Patient assessment will take place after class.
3:00 The History of the Chirurgeonate Baroness TSivia bas Tamara v'Amberview None As a formalized Guild, the Chirurgeonate has been around since the early 1980s, but first aid within the SCA goes back to the first half-dozen or so years of its existence. Dame TSivia has been combing old Board of Director minutes, flyers, hand outs, and spending a lot of time emailing old Chirurgeons to try and piece together the history of the Guild within the SCA, who started what, where the idea came from, and where the term (and its miss pronunciation) originated. Entertaining and with lots of room for the "no Sh*t" stories, this class will eventually lead to a Tournaments Illuminated article tracing the Chirurgeonate. A round table discussion for questions and stories will follow the class.
4:00 How to Prepare for War! Lady Fia Kareman None So you want to be a CIC of a War? There are several large Wars to choose from, each with its own trials and tribulations. This class will present different things that have worked in preparing for and running the Chirurgeonate at War, things that haven't worked, and what to do when all heck breaks loose. Based on experiences at Pennsic, but the knowledge can be applied to other Wars. A round table discussion about running large events will follow the class
5:00 Head injuries in SCA martial activities: recognizing possible concussion THL Margalit Medicus None A review of the signs and symptoms of possible concussion and its management in the setting of SCA martial activities. Participants will receive a "Concussion Guide" card, adapted for the SCA from Centers for Disease Control and American Academy of Neurology materials for sports coaches.

Sunday, May 7th, A.S. XL
Time Course Instructor Cost Description
9:00 Stress de-briefing; coping after a stressful situation Frau Sophia None A discussion regarding the importance of stress de-briefings following stressful and/or traumatic responses. A round table discussion for questions and stories will follow the class.
10:00 Art and Illness: Medieval Images of Disease, Intentional and Unintentional. Brid Brecc ni hUallachain None A presentation on medieval pictures that show disease. A round table discussion on Illness and History: How disease did or could Have changed medieval history will follow the class.
11:00 American Red Cross CPR/First Aid Challenge Classes John de Canon $27.00 Students will take the Red Cross test, and a student level card will be mailed to you after the event.
12:00 Chemicals in the SCA - Uses and Burn Treatment Muirgheal inghean Alasdair None A discussion of chemicals that are used in the arts and sciences in the SCA, general response to chemical burns, and specific treatment of chemicals which are known to be used in the SCA. Information will also be provided on where to find the best information about chemicals and treatment for exposure if you have concerns about a certain chemical or chemicals which are not addressed in the class.
1:00 A "small" class Sumayya of Ibelin None "A small class" is a class in which we will be discussing the legal issues of treating the children of the SCA, how to properly approach and treat the pediatric patient, and how to deal with the parent of a child in crisis.
2:00 "Too hot" Sumayya of Ibelin None "Too Hot" is a class in which we will be discussing the prevention, detection, and treatment of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. We will also be discussing on the education of people and share some secrets on treating the afflicted patient. A round table discussion for/about chirurgeon's aids (candy stripers) will take place after the class.
3:00 What Paperwork? Charting in the SCA HL Tvorimir Danilov None A discussion on paperwork and charting in the SCA.
4:00 Marshallate and Chirurgeonate relations: The Northshield exchange program THL Margalit Medicus None A discussion on the sometimes conflicted relationship between marshals and chirurgeons, and new program in Northshield to create a supportive, "team" approach to injuries (and injury prevention) on the field.
5:00 The Thrill of Victory, the Agony of Injuries: Common and serious injuries in SCA rapier THL Margalit Medicus None This seminar will review both common and uncommon (but serious) injuries in SCA rapier, based on Midrealm and Northshield data, as well as techniques for prevention and treatment. In addition, we will discuss the role of reporting injuries at the local, Kingdom and Society level, using the Northshield approach as one example.

Several Instructors had classes that they had volunteered to teach if there is enough interest among the populace.
Pending interest
Course Instructor Cost Description
Canadian Law and the Chirurgeonate Baroness TSivia bas Tamara v'Amberview None This course will discuss the differences and similarities in emergency first aid training and certification between the USA and Canada, aimed at those Kingdoms which have Canadian branches within their boundaries (An Tir, Northshield, Middle, East.) There will be a Q&A session for the chirurgeon's who have contact with or live in those kingdoms.

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